Fire-Adapted Communities

The challenges involved in adapting communities to be more fire resilient are remarkably vast and diverse. It’s also inherently local, as no two areas in the state have the exact same set of needs, values, risks, and capacities. By aligning resources, tools and organizations, the California Wildfire & Forest Resilience Task Force is uniquely structured to address the scope and complexity of resourcing and supporting communities to achieve a more resilient future.

Explore Key Issues in Fire Adapted Communities


Community Risk Reduction & Adaptation Planning

WUI Structure/Parcel/Community Fire Hazard Mitigation Methodology (NIST Technical Note 2205)

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The State of California’s Adaptation Planning Guide provides comprehensive guidance for assessing climate vulnerability and adapting to climate change,

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OPR’s Fire Hazard Planning Technical Advisory

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UCANR –  Building to Coexist with Fire: Risk Reduction Measures for New Development

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Wildfire-Prone Home & Neighborhood Protection

CAL FIRE’s Defensible Space Program 

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CalOES/CAL FIRE – California Wildfire Mitigation Program 

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Appendix A in the WUI Structure/Parcel/Community Fire Hazard Mitigation Methodology 

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FIre-Safe Roadways & Utilities

Caltrans – Roadside Fire Fuels Reduction Vegetation Management Program

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CNRA – Office of Energy Infrastructure

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Plan for Smoke Impact

CARB – Protect Yourself from Wildfire Smoke

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CA Smoke Spotter App

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Asbestos and Natural Disasters Guide

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Work Group: Fire-Adapted Communities

Partnering Organizations

Work Group lead

University of California Cooperative Extension  Yana Valachovic
CAL FIRE – Tadashi Moody
CA Dept. of Conservation – Nic Entice
Caltrans – Lisa Worthington 
California Air Resources Board – Carmen Tubbesing
Moore Foundation Strategic Advisor
– Kate Dargan
CA Dept. of Housing & Community Development Clay Kerchof
Office of Planning & Research – Michael Maguire
USFS, Pacific SW Region Barbara Geringer-Frazer
CA Forestry Stewardship Council Jacy Hyde
ForEverGreen Forestry Tracy Katelman
CA Wildfire Mitigation Program J. Lopez
CA Dept. of Insurance
Mike Peterson
Butte County Fire Safe Council
Calli-Jane West
Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety – Steven Hawks
Energy Safety Susie Rose
California Department of Public Health – Patrice Chamberlain

Frank Bigelow, CAL FIRE

Work Group Facilitator

Michelle Medley-Daniel, FAC Net/WRTC

Special Project Leads

Erik de Kok, Ascent Environmental
Laura Tam, Resources Legacy Fund
Molly Mowery, Community Wildfire Planning Center


Key Actions Assigned:

2.1 – 2.32