Regional Frameworks

A central recommendation of the state’s Forest Carbon Plan and the National Forest Planning Rule is to build and maintain regional approaches to improve the health and resilience of forested landscapes. The benefits of a regional approach include alignment of state and federal goals and mandates at a regional level, facilitating multi-benefit and multi-jurisdictional projects, and empowering local governments and collaboratives to set priorities and integrate forest resilience and sustainable development programs.


Regional Forest & Fire Capacity Program

Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program

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February 2021: RFFC Mid-Program Report

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January 2020: Increasing Forest and Fire Management Capacity in California

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Regional Resource Kits

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Work Group: Regional Frameworks

Partnering Organizations

Work Group leads:

CAL FIRE – Shannon Johnson 

Department of Conservation – Brian Newman-Lindsay

U.S. Forest Service – Jerry Bird

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation – Chris Morrill

Department of Conservation – Nic Enstice

Forest Schafer – CA Natural Resources Agency

Kristen Merrill – CAL FIRE


Key Actions Assigned:

1.28 – 1.30