Wood Utilization

work group

Government agencies alone cannot hope to adequately reduce fire risk and preserve healthy and sustainable forest lands. State and federal policies must attract private sector investments into a vibrant wood products market that advances the state’s sustainable forest management strategy. Facilitating expanded economic activity in this sector will increase the value of woody biomass and help meet our state’s sustainable forest management goals.


Joint Institute for
Wood Products Innovation:


UCANR Woody Biomass
Utilization Group:


Wood and Biomass
Utilization Program:


Governor’s Office of Business
and Economic Development:


CAL FIRE Wood Products
and Bioenergy Program:


Forest Biomass to Carbon-Negative
Biofuels Pilot Program:


Wood Utilization Work Group

Participating Organizations

California Energy Commission – Rizaldo Aldas

California Air Resources Board – Anthy Alexiades

California Air Resources Board – Matthew Botill

California Public Utilities Commission – Benny Corona

California Public Utilities Commission – Nick Zanjani

CLERE, Inc. – Christiana Darlington

University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension – Cindy Chen

California Infrastructure and Investment Bank – Dan Adler

California Infrastructure and Investment Bank – Taylor Carnevale

The Nature Conservancy – Dan Porter

Sempra Utilities – Edith Moreno

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

California Biomass Energy Alliance – Julie Malinowski-Ball

University of California Office of the President – Glenda Humiston

Southern California Edison

CAL FIRE – Sam Evans

CAL FIRE – John McCarthy

Cal Recycle – Gregory Dick

California Board of Forestry, Joint Institute for Wood Products Innovation Katie Harrell

Nevada County – Heidi Hall

SoCalGas – Jared Kiu-Klein

SoCalGas – Jim Lucas

SoCalGas – Kelly Murillo

The Sierra Institute – Jonathan Kusel

Bioenergy Association of California – Julia Levin

GO-Biz – Kaina Pereira

The Watershed Center – Martin Tweer

Governor’s Office of Planning and Research – Michael Maguire

California Department of Housing and Community Development – Carrie Paine

Rural County Representatives of California – Staci Heaton

Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition – Laurel Harkness

Sierra Business Council – Steve Frisch

Scott’s Valley Band of Pomo Indians – Thomas Jordan

California Air Pollution Control Officers Association – Tung Le

Blue Forest Conservation – Zach Knight

Green Power Institute Gregg Morris

Work Group Leads:

Elizabeth Betancourt, Department of Conservation
Helena Murray, USDA Forest Service


Key Actions Assigned:

3.5 – 3.12