UC Cooperative Extension Forest Landowner Workshops

UC ANR Landowner Workshops:


·        Forest Stewardship Workshops: University of California Cooperative Extension-Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) and partners continue to host workshops in various locations throughout the state to help landowners develop management plans for their own property. Upcoming locations include Butte/Yuba and Napa counties.  


·        Small Forest Landowners’ Field Day: UC ANR, My Sierra Woods and partners are hosting a Small Forest Landowners Field Day on September 18 in Twain Harte. Fuel reduction projects, technical and financial assistance programs for private forest landowners, and the My Sierra Woods programs will be highlighted.


·        Post-fire Forest Resilience Workshops: UC ANR is hosting a new post-fire workshop series this fall aimed at assisting private landowners the northern and Central Sierra Nevada affected by the 2021 Dixie, Caldor and Tamarack fires.
