Governor Newsom Signs Executive Order to Further Improve Community Hardening and Wildfire Mitigation
On February 6, Governor Newsom signed an executive order to launch key initiatives to continue adapting to future wildfires and strengthen community resilience to urban conflagration (large destructive fires that spread beyond natural or artificial barriers wherein structures themselves become the fuel that spreads the fire). The executive order:
- Directs the State Board of Forestry to accelerate its work to adopt regulations known as “Zone 0,” which will require an ember-resistant zone within 5 feet of structures located in the highest fire severity zones in the state.
- Tasks the Office of the State Fire Marshal with releasing updated Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps for areas under local government responsibility, adding 1.4 million new acres of land into the two higher tiers of fire severity, which will update building and local planning requirements for these communities statewide.
- Requires CAL FIRE and Cal OES to work with local, federal and tribal partners on improvements to the Federal resource ordering system for wildfire response.