December 15, 2023
The Task Force held its quarterly meeting at the California Natural Resources Agency in Sacramento and live on Zoom. The primary focus of the meeting was on Fire Adapted Communities and the work being doing throughout the state to achieve more resilient communities. Some of the highlights include:
- California’s Progress on Empowering Community Adaptation: Daniel Berlant from CAL FIRE and CA Fire Safe Council’s Jacy Hyde shared updates on how both statewide programs and local communities are building adaptive capacity and improving wildfire outcomes.
- California’s Roadmap for Creating Fire Adapted Communities: Two members of the Task Force’s Fire Adapted Communities Work Group — Steve Hawks from CAL FIRE and Erik de Kok, representing Ascent Environmental — shared updates on the Work Group’s recently completed Baseline Assessment and next steps in developing a statewide roadmap for community fire adaptation.
- Regional Leaders’ Perspective on Community Resilience to Fire: In a panel moderated by Molly Mowery of Community Wildfire Planning Center, regional leaders from across the state discussed pressing issues communities are facing to better adapt to fire, and the best ways state and federal institutions can support progress at the community level.
Welcome & Executive Remarks
- Wade Crowfoot, CNRA
- Jennifer Eberlien, USFS
Task Force Executive Committee
- Joe Tyler, CAL FIRE
- Ed Valenzuela, CSAC
- Katy Landau, CalEPA
- Juliann Aukema, PSW Research Station
- Don Hankins, Indigenous Stewardship Network
- Sam Assefa, OPR
- Doug Teeter, RCRC
Director’s Report
Patrick Wright, Director, Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force
California's Progress on Empowering Community Fire Adaptation
Daniel Berlant, CAL FIRE
Jacy Hyde, CA Fire Safe Council
California's Roadmap for Creating Fire Adapted Communities
Steve Hawks, CAL FIRE
Eric de Kok, Ascent Environmental
Regional Leaders Perspective on Community Resilience to Fire
Moderator: Molly Mowery, CWPC
• Scott Tangenberg, USFS
• Rhiana Jones, Washoe Tribe of NV & CA
• Frank Frievalt, WUI Fire Institute
• Calli-Jane West, Butte County Fire Safe Council
• Will Harling, W. Klamath Restoration Partnership
Closing Remarks
Task Force Executive Committee