Camp Cinder
Camp Cinder
CAL FIRE’S summer program, Camp Cinder, inspires young women to join the future of the fire service.
Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest Research Video
Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest Research Video
Wildfire is increasingly impacting small to medium sized forest landowners. Deciding what to do with their land post-fire can be challenging, which is why CAL FIRE’s Fire and Resource Assessment Program has implemented a long term post-fire reforestation study at Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest. The results of this study will help inform landowners about different options for post-fire reforestation. The experiments and research conducted on Demonstration State Forests helps inform management practices for government, nonprofit and private forestland owners. Private forestland ownerships comprise 40% of California’s forestland and are key to sustaining forests for all California.
Community Wildfire Preparedness and Mitigation Division
Community Wildfire Preparedness and Mitigation Division
The Office of the State Fire Marshal’s Community Wildfire Preparedness and Mitigation Division works with federal, state, and local agencies, Native American tribes, non-profit entities, and other stakeholders to prepare California communities against the devastating effects of wildfire. The various programs within the division allow CAL FIRE to continue to build local and regional capacity, as well as developing, prioritizing, and implementing strategies and projects that create wildfire prepared communities. The tasks involve working with stakeholders on wildfire planning to reduce or eliminate fire hazards and risks, modifying the environment by removing or reducing receptive fuels, conducting fire hazard compliance inspections, and providing education and grant opportunities for wildfire prevention efforts.
California Incident Data and Statistics Program (CalStats)
CAL FIRE’S Land Use Planning Program
The Lake Tahoe Climate Resilience Action Strategy
The Lake Tahoe Climate Resilience Action Strategy
February 1, 2022: THE LAKE TAHOE CLIMATE RESILIENCE ACTION STRATEGY builds on existing Tahoe Basin climate and environmental improvement plans to identify five focus areas that will advance equity, create jobs, and build resilience for the
Basin’s extraordinary natural resources. One of the focus areas includes Reducing Wildfire Risk and Building Forest Resilience.
Reimagining Big Basin Vision Summary
Reimagining Big Basin
State Parks is engaging stakeholders and the public in an effort to reimagine the future of Big Basin Redwoods State Park following the CZU Lightning Complex Fire that started on August 16, 2020.
CAL FIRE Demonstration State Forests
CAL FIRE Demonstration State Forests
June 21, 2021 – CAL FIRE Demonstration State Forests represent the most common forest types in the state and serve as living laboratories for how to care for forestlands.
Click here to see a video demonstration from Soquel Demonstration State Forest in Santa Cruz.