CAL FIRE Announces New Grants Available For Multiple Initiatives

CAL FIRE Announces New Grants Available For Multiple Initiatives
Funding is now available for a wide range of critical needs, from forest health and post-fire reforestation to workforce development and green school yards.
WILDFIRE PREVENTION GRANTS PROGRAM: Up to $120 million for projects focused on protecting people, structures, and communities.
FOREST HEALTH GRANT PROGRAM: Up to $120 million for landscape scale forest restoration and resilience projects.
POST FIRE REFORESTATION AND REGENERATION: Up to $50 million for reforestation treatments.
BUSINESS AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: Up to $7.5 million for wood products and up to $5 million for biomass transportation subsidy projects.
GREEN SCHOOL YARDS: Up to $117 million to improve tree canopy cover on California K-12 public school campuses and nonprofit childcare facilities.
TRIBAL WILDFIRE RESILIENCE PROGRAM: Up to $15 million is available for wildfire resilience implementation projects. These grant funds will assist California Native American tribes in managing ancestral lands, implementing and promoting Traditional Ecological Knowledge in wildfire resilience, and establishing wildfire safety for tribal communities.
CAL FIRE Funding $14M In Workforce and Business Development Projects

CAL FIRE Funding $14M In Workforce and Business Development Projects
Focused on increasing California’s capacity to establish healthy, resilient forests through workforce and business development, the Wood Products and Bioenergy Team at CAL FIRE awarded $14 million in new grant agreements. The 10 new awards will go to non-profits, family businesses, wood products manufacturing facilities and local governments that are building the infrastructure and capacity to sustainably manage California’s forests as outlined in California’s Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan.
In addition to grants to non-profits, family businesses, and county and local governments, a $3 million grant will allow Sierra Pacific Industries to begin immediate construction on a new nursery that will be capable of producing 25 million seedlings per year.
State Can Fight Fire With Prescribed Fire By Funding Jobs In The Field

State Can Fight Fire With Prescribed Fire By Funding Jobs In The Field
“It is now accepted that prescribed fire is needed to conserve and restore biodiversity, prevent catastrophic fires, stabilize carbon and promote public health and safety. To address the pace and scale of prescribed fire that is needed, we must invest in careers in prescribed fire.” Read this guest commentary in from Tom Gardali, CEO, Audubon Canyon Ranch.
Forest Sector Workforce In The News

Forest Sector Workforce In The News
Local Community Colleges are offering opportunities to grow and strengthen California’s Forest Sector Workforce.
Shasta College — received 3.3M for expansion of Forest Health Programs
Feather River College — is now offering employees an annual $1,000 incentive to any employee that holds a Wildland Firefighter Certification
The Tahoe Fund — is awarding a scholarship to every student in Lake Tahoe Community College’s new Forestry Program
August 9th, 2022: Shasta College
August 9th, 2022: The Tahoe Fund
Grant Guidelines Released for the 2022 Regional Forest & Fire Capacity Program

Grant Guidelines released for the 2022 Regional Forest & Fire Capacity Program
RFFC grants support regional leadership to build local capacity and fund projects that create fire-adapted communities and landscapes by providing ecosystem health, community wildfire preparedness, and fire resilience. The grants funded with these Guidelines utilize the $110 million of General Fund monies appropriated to the DOC for the RFFC Program.
CA Celebrates Launch of Tribal Conservation Corps Program

CA Celebrates Launch of Tribal Conservation Corps Program
Governor Newsom’s proposed 2022-’23 state budget includes $7.2 million in funding for the California Conservation Corps to establish more tribal conservation corps like the one being launched today.
CAL FIRE Invests in Workforce and Business Development

CAL FIRE Invests in Workforce and Business Development
May 27, 2022 – Sacramento – The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) has awarded $33 million to business development and workforce development projects that support healthy, resilient forests and the people and ecosystems that depend on them.
Advancing Equitable Wildfire Workforce Development
Advancing Equitable Wildfire Workforce Development
April 14, 2022 – The Watershed Research and Training Center advances equity in the wildfire workforce through a pilot training with a local conservation corps, Conservation Corps of North Bay. Developing wildfire and climate resilience through support of a diverse workforce.
Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board - Forestry Training
Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board-Forestry Training