Up to $19M Available for Tribal Wildfire Resilience Program
CAL FIRE’s Forest Health Grant program will award competitive grants to Native American tribes located within California. Of the $19 million, up to $15 million is available for wildfire resilience implementation projects with the remainder available for planning projects. These grant funds will assist California Native American tribes in managing ancestral lands, implementing and promoting Traditional Ecological Knowledges in wildfire resilience, and establishing wildfire safety for tribal communities.
The Forest Health grant guidelines address this new opportunity and Forest Health staff hosted a Tribal Wildfire Resilience Roundtable explaining this opportunity. Applications are due February 28, 2023.
California Native American tribes provided guidance during the early consultation on the creation of this new grant program. CAL FIRE and California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) are collaborating on the review of applications and administering of the funds. CNRA is leading program design and consulting with CAL FIRE regarding program administration including processes, project selection, and tribal consultation. CAL FIRE will administer the program, including running a solicitation, issuing grant agreements, and processing progress reports and invoices.