
The Communications Work Group is providing expertise and advisement to the Task Force leadership, contractors, and work groups on communications, reporting, and outreach. The Work Group is acting as an inter-agency/organizational hub to promote, share, and coordinate messaging and opportunities between Task Force partners.



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Work Group: Communications

Partnering Organizations

Bureau of Land Management, Ginessa Stark
CA Resource Conservation District, Sophia Lemmo
CA Association of RCDs, Taylor Stubblefield
CARB, Amy MacPherson
CAL FIRE, Christine McMorrow
CAL FIRE, Michelle DiGuilio
CAL FIRE, Joshua Mott
CA Natural Resources Agency, Tony Anderson
CA Department of Conservation, Jacob Roper
Isaac Silverman, Sierra Nevada Conservancy
U.S. Forest Service PSW Research Station, Hilary Clark
U.S. Forest Service PSW Research Station, Joe Navratil
U.S. Forest Service, D’Artanyan Ratley
U.S. Forest Service Region 5, Trish Mogilski
Watershed Center, Annie Leverich
Climate & Wildfire Institute, Sabrina Goodman
CA Fire Safe Council, Megan Katich
Tahoe Conservancy, Chris Carney
OEIS, Sandy Cooney
State Parks, Jorge Moreno
The Idea Cooperative, Melissa Holberton
The Idea Cooperative, Tom Kavanaugh
The Idea Cooperative, Tyler Young
The Idea Cooperative/TOPO, Alex Roa
The Idea Cooperative/TOPO, Mike Kahn

Work Group leads

Kristen Merrill, CAL FIRE
Sky Biblin, CA Natural Resources Agency

Work Group Facilitator

Sky Biblin, CA Natural Resources Agency