New Conservation Strategy to Protect Montane Forests in Southern California

New Conservation Strategy to Protect Montane Forests in Southern California

July 30, 2024 The Southern Montane Forest Project released its Climate-Adapted Conservation Strategy, an initiative that will bolster the resilience of montane (i.e. higher-elevation forests) to confront threats from wildfires, droughts, pollution, and invasive species. 

The strategy takes an all-lands approach, calling for state, federal, academic, and non-profit efforts to work in concert within the USFS’s Southern California Wildfire Crisis Landscape.

Southern California’s montane forests are a key Task Force priority because they protect watersheds that supply about 40% of downstream water for drinking and agriculture. They capture carbon, prevent soil erosion, and serve as critical habitats for threatened and endangered wildlife.  They also supply Indigenous communities with food, fiber, and medicine while providing recreational opportunities to over 24 million people.

NFWF Announces 9 Large Watershed Planning Grants Totaling $53 Million for California National Forests

NFWF Announces 9 Large Watershed Planning Grants Totaling $53 Million for California National Forests

On June 24, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) announced $53 million in grants to protect and restore forests and watersheds in California using voluntary, targeted headwater resilience planning and monitoring. The grants leverage $31.4 million in matching contributions, for a total conservation impact of $84.4 million. The awards were made possible by a first-of-its-kind agreement between the USDA Forest Service and NFWF. This effort pools multiple funding sources from public and private organizations to meet the level needed for effective landscape-scale projects to tackle California’s wildfire crisis.  

Explore the Treatment Dashboard - Take The Survey

On Tuesday, November 14 the Task Force hosted a Virtual Public Workshop on the CA Wildfire & Landscape Resilience Interagency Treatment Dashboard. The goal of the workshop was to gather input from those using the Treatment Tracking System and Dashboard to improve how data is accessed and displayed, and to ensure we are providing transparency and effective planning information on statewide wildfire resilience treatments. 

If you missed the workshop, or want to look back at what was covered, click on the buttons above to watch a video of the presentation from Alan Talhelm, Assistant Deputy Director for Climate and Energy at CAL FIRE, and a key architect of the Dashboard. You can also view and download Alan’s presentation and take a moment to answer a quick survey for gathering additional  input on how the Dashboard can be most effective.

map of northern counties

Task Force Advisory Panel Seeks Input on Northern California Regional Profile

map of northern counties

Task Force Advisory Panel Seeks Input on Northern California Regional Profile

In advance of the October 5 Regional Meeting, the Science Advisory Panel is developing the Northern California Regional Profile, a publicly available resource that will summarize the socio-ecological context of the region’s resilience to wildfire. The Panel is requesting those who live, work, or own property in Northern California to participate in a survey to understand regional perspectives on improving ecosystem health and community resilience to wildfire. The survey is open until Tuesday, August 1, 2023.


Link to Survey

State Agencies Fund Wildfire Resilience Cover, Creek running through rocks and trees, Grasslands

State Agencies Fund Wildfire Resilience, Habitat Restoration and Conservation Projects

State Agencies Fund Wildfire Resilience Cover, Creek running through rocks and trees, Grasslands

State Agencies Fund Wildfire Resilience, Habitat Restoration and Conservation Projects

State Agencies Fund Wildfire Resilience, Habitat Restoration and Conservation Projects:

State Coastal Conservancy $78 Million for Climate Resilience, Public Access, Habitat Restoration and Wildfire Resilience: On June 1, the State Coastal Conservancy approved nearly $78 million for 34 projects to protect and restore coastal lands, increase coastal resilience to climate change, improve public access to the coast, and reduce the impact of wildfire on coastal lands.

SNC Approves $22.5 Million to Build Resilience, Boost Recreation, and Conserve Land: On June 1, the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) approved roughly $22.5 million for 24 different projects that will benefit wildfire recovery and forest resilience, expand recreation opportunities, and conserve strategic land throughout California’s Sierra-Cascade region.

Park with Trees

State and Federal Agencies Make Significant Investments in Urban Greening

Park with Trees

State and Federal Agencies Make Significant Investments in Urban Greening

USFS Grants Will Increase Equitable Access to Urban Tree Canopy: The U.S.  Forest Service is requesting proposals from entities that are working to provide equitable access to trees and green spaces and the benefits they provide. The funding, made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act, is part of a $1.5 billion investment in the USFS’ Urban and Community Forestry Program.  Of the total funding, the USFS is allocating nearly $47 million directly to the Pacific Southwest Region — $43.2 million to California. The application period ends June 1.

CNRA Invests Over $47 Million in Urban Greening: On April 6, the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) awarded 23 grants totaling $47.5 million through the Urban Greening Grant Program. The selected projects will create more sustainable communities by using natural and green infrastructure approaches, such as replacing schoolyard asphalt with native trees, plants, pollinator gardens and nature-based outdoor play areas, restoring wetlands or riparian corridors, or constructing new commuter paths to reduce vehicles miles traveled.

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CalFire Firefighters putting out brush fires

CAL FIRE Forest Health Awards

CalFire Firefighters putting out brush fires

CAL FIRE Awards $142 Million For Critical Wildfire Resilience Projects Statewide

CAL FIRE recently announce that $142.6 million has been awarded for statewide investments in projects intended to enhance carbon storage while restoring the health and resilience of existing and recently burned forests throughout California.
CAL FIRE’s Forest Health Program awarded 27 grants to local and regional partners implementing projects on state, local, tribal, federal, and private lands spanning over 75,000 acres and 24 counties. Fuels reduction and prescribed fire treatments funded under these grants are aimed at reducing excess vegetation and returning forest and oak woodlands to more fire, drought, and pest-resilient conditions.

“These investments demonstrate CAL FIRE’s ability to deliver on the Governor’s Action Plan and are vital to protect the health of our forests and the safety of our communities.”
  –  Patrick Wright, Director, California Wildfire & Forest Resilience Task Force

Learn More

Treatment Screen of North Lake Tahoe

Wildfire & Forest Resilience Treatment Tracking and Mapping

Treatment Screen of North Lake Tahoe

Wildfire & Forest Resilience Treatment Tracking and Mapping

At the March 30 Task Force meeting, the Task Force’s Monitoring, Reporting and Assessment Work Group gave an update on their efforts to build an interagency treatment tracker. The group is assembling federal, state, local, private data on planned, active, and completed projects statewide, including those on forests, grasslands, shrublands, and covering approximately 60 different activities (type of work completed). The goals include tracking progress toward state/federal acreage targets; facilitating regional planning and monitoring; and assessing benefits/costs beyond “acres treated.” The Task Force anticipates having a publicly available treatment tracking map and dashboard by summer 2023.

Learn More


Planscape Header (A Planning Tool to Maximize Wildfire Resilience + Ecological Benefits)

Planscape now lives on the Task Force website

Planscape Header (A Planning Tool to Maximize Wildfire Resilience + Ecological Benefits)

Planscape Now Lives on the Task Force Website

A collaborative effort between CA Natural Resources Agency, USFS, UC Berkeley, Spatial Informatics Group and, Planscape is a decision support tool that empowers regional planners to prioritize resilience treatments across the landscape and inform the funding process. Planscape partners provided a demonstration of the tool at the March 30 Task Force meeting. This version of the tool is available for beta testing, with the region-specific scenarios released this summer through fall.

Go To Planscape


Brilliantly colored sunset in the desert over a community during a wildfire with smoke in the air road on left side

USFS Invests Nearly $200M to Reduce Wildfire Risk to Communities

Brilliantly colored sunset in the desert over a community during a wildfire with smoke in the air road on left side

USFS Invests Nearly $200M to Reduce Wildfire Risk to Communities

USFS Invests Nearly $200M from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Reduce Wildfire Risk to Communities across State, Private and Tribal Lands: On March 20, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced $197M in funding for 100 projects across 22 states and seven tribes as part of the Community Wildfire Defense Grant program. Grants to California counties, cities and tribes totaled over $97M across 22 projects including: $10M in Tuolumne County; nearly $10M in Siskiyou County; $9.9M in Lake County; $7.2 M to the City of Ukiah and Mendocino County; $6.8 in Plumas County; and $6.4M in Butte County. Originally announced in 2022, the Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program makes $1 billion available over five years to assist communities impacted by severe disaster, those with high or very high wildfire hazard potential or classified as low income.

Read the Press Release